About me

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Graduation Speech

Golf was quite a very interesting experience to me. First off, I was a new student here at Golf, and at first I really didn’t want to leave my old school Gemini, and my friends.
So, on the first day of school it was such an interesting and boring day for me. Golf compared to Gemini was very different in many ways, especially because I would always get good grades at Gemini because the teachers there wouldn't really give homework a lot, and it was just so much more easier compared to Golf, anyways the reason I thought Golf was interesting was because all kids here were nice and welcoming. I’m not saying kids at Gemini are not nice, but one person that welcomed me to Golf was Aneena and she was like my best friend since 6th grade maybe.
Golf and my experience here was that it was very fun at Golf. Like all my friends here are so nice and helpful and caring. The teachers here are all also very nice. Since I only had one year to spend here at Golf, I feel like I made the best out of it. At first I really didn't want to move , but I noticed that I made friends here more faster than at Gemini.
One thing I most enjoyed about Golf was the basketball season. Basketball has been my favorite sport since like 3rd grade, and I’ve always planned ahead of time to try out in middle school and high school. And most of the people that were in the team were barely even in any of my classes, so I got friends made from other classes too.
Hopes for future graduates that I have is to always try your best in middle school because, according to the high school they look at at your best at middle school. Also I'm sure none of the future graduates also can’t wait till their graduation because that is an important occasion in their lives so you’ll like it very much more that we graduates do.
NOW THE MOST EXCITING TRIP IS COMING UP!!! CAMP MA-CLEAN IS COMING UP!!!!! Since this is my first year at Golf  i'm like way too excited about this. I’ve heard from many people saying that this trip is very fun, but it costs a lot.
To conclude my one year experience at Golf, I would first like to thank all of the teachers out there who worked very hard to help us students get ready and well prepared for high school. Especially the eighth grade team members: Mrs. Joyner, Mrs. Maldonado, Mr. Atwood, Mr. Carro and even though this teacher doesn't teach eighth grade…. A special shout out to Mr. Gilman for his hard work in putting together the eight grade photo collage and what a brilliant photographer he was. And now I will truly miss Golf and all the teachers here at Golf and Mrs. Chvojka especially. Thank you so much!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2016


         There are many reason in which you could prepare for a test. Like, the way in which I prepare for a test is by getting enough sleep, studying and reviewing what we've learned, and coming to school on time prepared. These are the reasons on how I prepare for tests.

         LISTEN UP EVERYBODY!!!!! Don't listen to anything I just said above because tests are the worst thing created on Earth. I recommend you to enjoy your whole day, don't even worry about studying for tests because no one even bothers to even study so just be like them. Enjoy your day by playing video games forever and go to sleep at like 3 A.M, but just keep in mind, just because tests are the worst, that doesn't mean you can over sleep because there are things called detentions ready to be given to you. These are some ways in which you're are NOT prepared for tests.

        By the way just because I said not to study doesn't mean I actually meant it. IT SOMETHING CALLED SARCASM!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Holocaust Field Trip


             On March 14th, we had field trip to the Holocaust Museum. My experience on that field trip was great. Since the topic we were learning about in History class was the Holocaust I knew some facts already, but I still learned more new facts about the Holocaust. We had someone speak to us while we were stopping by at each board with a picture during the Holocaust. One thing that I really liked about the field trip was getting to know about one of the survivors during the Holocaust. It was fun listening to, someone who was alive at that time to get to know his own experiences during the Holocaust. 
              IN my opinion field trips are very important. A lot kids like just because you get out of school. Field trips to places where you actually learn something give you more information about things that you didn't know at first. Basically, this was how I felt about the field trip. 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

I'm Still Here Blog

Diary Entry
July 26, 2010

    Dear Diary,

               Today is the day that I finally got discharged from the Hospital, and I am feeling very content. You might be wondering why, well I'll tell you. I still remember this day because it was one of the most devastating incident that happened to me, and it happened on July 15th. 

               One day I was practicing on how to ride a two-wheel bike by myself. I was determined that,I wanted to learn it within a day. So I tried, and finally I did it. I learned how to ride my bike. After I learned, I told my brother that I would be able to beat him in a race. He replied, "Oh yeah we'll see about that", so we raced in the middle of the street which we should've not been doing. I rode as fast as a train that I fell in the middle of the rode and the handle of the bike hit my liver. My parents didn't know what happened to me until they found out that I was having severe pain in the middle of my stomach. So, the decided to take me to the hospital. There, we found out that my liver kind of had tear and that I lost a lot of blood. You can tell how scared my parents were because they were afraid that something might happen to me that would've took my life away. Anyways, I was getting better, but I couldn't eat for ten days except take medicine. I felt better and better, and finally I got some good news!!!!!! It's July 26th, and now I'm back home the way it used to be 11 days ago.
               From this incident I learned something very important, and it has to do with my parents. I learned that if it wasn't for my parents, I wouldn't have been alive right now because my mom told me that I lost so much blood that I would've probably died because that's how much blood I lost, but thankfully I got blood.




Sunday, January 31, 2016

Science Blog



          Hi, my name is Belma, and I don't very much have a lot of friends at school, due to the way I look. Like I mean a pig's nose, no one has that type of  nose except me, the only person in the world. It kind of reminds me of the book called Wonder, where this boy named August feels different at school because of his eyes.
       Me Reema, made a child with Bella, and came up with the name as Belma. Our child was born with a circle head, 5 fingers, 2 toes, knobby knees, round eyes, PIG NOSE, big belly, long arms, fat lips, with eyelashes, little ears, long neck, big feet, long hair, big thumb, with eybrows, curly hair, horns, tail, and a halo. Even though my baby, Belma was born with pig nose and all other things she was born with, that she hates, I still think my baby is the most cutest one in the world.

Thursday, January 28, 2016




      One of my most favorite food to eat is called Lasagna. Lasagna is Italian food that are wide, flat-shaped pasta, and maybe one of the oldest types of pasta. I know everyone has tried lasagna but I've tried it like a million times. If you've never tried then I think you should definitely try this dish.
      First, you have to cook the lasagna noodles in boiling water for 8-10 minutes. You have rinse it with cold water. Then, you have to put the cheese(ricotta works the best) with egg. Put 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and then put it into the oven. Preheat the oven before putting it inside for 375 degrees Fahrenheit. After putting it into the oven, when it's done you will be able to smell the fresh newly made lasagna. This is how I prepare Lasagna for my family to enjoy.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Game

              This picture was taken on our last game against Fair-view at Niles North.  This picture brings back so many memories we had during our basketball season. We won by 1 point and my friend Dina made a 3 pointer in the last ten seconds and that's how we won. If it wasn't for her we wouldn't have won. Thanks Dina. And a big thank you to the best manager ORVA da queen!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Movie review


         My movie review is about the movie, The Insidious 3. This movie is about a teenage girl named Quinn, and her mother who she finds out is trying to contact her from the dead. Her mother died when she was young and now she lives with her dad and little brother. Then, after hearing about the physic Elise Rainier Quinn visited her and asked her about contacting her mother. Since before in the two other insidious movies, Elise is trying to but can't very much help Quinn. Later when Quinn is at the parking lot with her friends, she sees a distorted looking creature waving at her several times, then BOOM a car comes and crashes into her. Luckily she doesn't die, but she is paralyzed. Quinn's father asks Elise for help, after her father tells her there are weird creatures that are bothering Quinn. Elise listens and helps, so she goes into the deep FURTHER. Where then she find out these creatures who are craving for human souls, and one is Quinn. This is a movie review on The Insidious 3.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Years Blog

           c            New Year's Resolution #1

     With TV's, computer, smartphones, tablets an all other sort's of those cool technology, it can be hard to get enough sleep at night. So one thing I have in my mind as this fresh new year has began is to get more quality sleep. We should be getting at least 8 hours of sleep everyday, but it's not like that for me. I get about 5-6 hours everyday which is not good. Not getting enough sleep can lead me to having problems at school, like falling asleep, not being able to concentrate during class. So this is one resolution I have for the new year.

  New Year's resolution #2
   Image result for watching tv cartoon girl 

   The second new year's resolution that I have is watching less TV. The average person wastes their time in front of the TV, time that have better spent by developing skills, studying, and keeping your body active. Spending too much time in front of the TV can effect your eyes, you might need glasses. It can also affect your grades, by you not studying, and instead watching TV.