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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Years Blog

           c            New Year's Resolution #1

     With TV's, computer, smartphones, tablets an all other sort's of those cool technology, it can be hard to get enough sleep at night. So one thing I have in my mind as this fresh new year has began is to get more quality sleep. We should be getting at least 8 hours of sleep everyday, but it's not like that for me. I get about 5-6 hours everyday which is not good. Not getting enough sleep can lead me to having problems at school, like falling asleep, not being able to concentrate during class. So this is one resolution I have for the new year.

  New Year's resolution #2
   Image result for watching tv cartoon girl 

   The second new year's resolution that I have is watching less TV. The average person wastes their time in front of the TV, time that have better spent by developing skills, studying, and keeping your body active. Spending too much time in front of the TV can effect your eyes, you might need glasses. It can also affect your grades, by you not studying, and instead watching TV.


  1. I really like your New Years resolution because it's so simple and it's something you can keep track of. I like the one about sleeping because that's something I really love to do.

  2. Great ideas, Reema! One of my new year's resolutions is to get more sleep, too! :)
